Das „offizielle“ Plakat. The "official" poster.
Ein weiteres Zeitdokument: der vom Veranstalter, der Band Chateau, doch recht lieblos gestaltete Flyer zu unserem 5. Auftritt im Rahmen des "ROCK AM GYM"-Festivals am 07. Mai 1986. Noch dazu wurde der Bandname falsch geschrieben ...
Another document of our time: the flyer for our 5th gig at the "ROCK AM GYM"-Festival on May, 7th 1986, which was designed rather lovelessly by the organiser, one of the guys from the band Chateau. On top of that, the band name was spelled wrong ...
Bei dem genannten "Gymn" handelt es sich um das Starkenburg Gymnasium ("Stabugy") in Heppenheim.
The "Gymn" mentioned is the Starkenburg Gymnasium ("Stabugy" – High School) in Heppenheim, Bergstraße, Hessen, Germany.
Das Debut von Car Car, das einen starken Doors-Einfluss zeigt – und das Gesangsdebut von Mike (nasal und unsicher, aber ein Anfang war gemacht). Mike ist allerdings, wie man hört, kein Jim Morrison ...
The band was going through a period of change. Since both Peter (g.) and Jens (dr.) were no longer really up for it or had other plans, we had looked around for new guitarists and drummers in March and April and even endured one or two auditions - but found no adequate replacement.
And so we got together and rehearsed again with the original line-up of Peter, Mike, Dominik and Jens.
After we had said goodbye to our short-time singer Markus B., we were again without a singer and had to do this part ourselves willy-nilly. So Dominik was called upon again and Mike was also forced to sing live in front of an audience for the first time.
In addition, we had decided to invite the singer-songwriter Rüdiger B. (whom we had met at the Lorsch Peace Festival) and his electric guitarist Simon into the programme and accompany him as a band - for whatever reason. In retrospect, this is hardly comprehensible, but somehow it also shows how disoriented we were at that time.
Da wir versäumt hatten, Rüdigers und Simons Gitarren beim Soundcheck nach unserem Keyboard zu stimmen, gab es eine nervige längere "Umbaupause". Wir waren sehr nervös und generell war die Stimmung bei diesem Festival nicht allzu gut.
We played as the second band after the hard rock group Easter Priester and before the horrible eighties synth pop band Chateau, who had the audacity to test the PA system during our performance for their own gig that followed. Promptly there were problems with the sound and to make matters worse, the bass amplifier failed during Innocent Virgin, Mike's solo vocal debut of all things (well, it was the second song after Car Car).
Great confusion and annoyance!
The last two songs were presented in a correspondingly snotty manner. We were pissed off!
After all, we had a new song in the programme with Car Car and Jack o' Lantern had also been rearranged a little and extended with a new part.
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