Tja, wer hätte das gedacht: Cloud Nine & the Vitamin C spielten sogar auf der offiziellen Abi-Feier des Starkenburg-Gymnasiums Heppenheim des Jahrgangs 1986. Immerhin hatten drei der vier Musiker ja in diesem Jahr dort ihr Abi gemacht. Nicht, dass wir großen Eindruck hinterlassen hätten. Wir fungierten eher als so eine Art Rausschmeißer.
Ein Song, der zu diesem Anlass (am 20.06.1986) gespielt wurde, hieß passenderweise I Never Wanna Be Your Clown … Außerdem zu hören waren: Car Car und Black Queen.
Ach ja, und dann spielten wir noch einmal I Never Wanna Be Your Clown – als Rausschmeißer. Und beim zweiten Mal dann aber so richtig heavy ...
Well, who would have thought it: Cloud Nine & the Vitamin C even played at the official graduation ceremony of the Starkenburg-Gymnasium Heppenheim class of 1986. After all, three of the four musicians had graduated there that year. Not that we made a big impression. We acted more as a kind of bouncer.
A song that was played on this occasion (June, 20th 1986) was appropriately called I Never Wanna Be Your Clown ... Also featured were: Car Car and Black Queen.
Oh yes, and then we played I Never Wanna Be Your Clown once again - as a bouncer. And the second time we played it really heavy ...
A song that was played on this occasion (June, 20th 1986) was appropriately called I Never Wanna Be Your Clown ... Also featured were: Car Car and Black Queen.
Oh yes, and then we played I Never Wanna Be Your Clown once again - as a bouncer. And the second time we played it really heavy ...
Nanu, falsche Band! Oder doch nicht?
Hmm, welche Verbindung könnte zwischen Tommy von The Who und Cloud Nine & The Vitamin C bestehen?
Am 22.06.1986 – zwei Tage nach der Abifeier – spielten wir 5 Songs (Car Car, I Never Wanna Be Your Clown, Jack o‘ Lantern, Black Queen und Survivor) im Foyer des Parktheaters Bensheim; nach dem Ende einer Tommy-Theater-Aufführung. (Hat damals aber nicht viele Leute interessiert, wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Vielleicht hätten wir Pinball Wizard spielen sollen?)
Oops, wrong band! Or is it?
Hmm, what connection could there be between Tommy from The Who and Cloud Nine & The Vitamin C?
On June, 22nd 1986 - two days after the "Abifeier" - we played 5 songs (Car Car, I Never Wanna Be Your Clown, Jack o' Lantern, Black Queen and Survivor) in the foyer of the Parktheater Bensheim; after the end of a Tommy Theatre performance. (Didn't interest many people back then, though, if I remember correctly. Maybe we should have played Pinball Wizard instead).
Hmm, what connection could there be between Tommy from The Who and Cloud Nine & The Vitamin C?
On June, 22nd 1986 - two days after the "Abifeier" - we played 5 songs (Car Car, I Never Wanna Be Your Clown, Jack o' Lantern, Black Queen and Survivor) in the foyer of the Parktheater Bensheim; after the end of a Tommy Theatre performance. (Didn't interest many people back then, though, if I remember correctly. Maybe we should have played Pinball Wizard instead).
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